Our Research

Everyone deserves to be free of injury, chronic pain or physical stress, whatever their income.

osteopathy in older adults

Chronic pain is more prevalent in older adults and with an ageing population it is unclear where the resources to treat this demographic will come from.​We are in the early stages of a research project, supported by the L&Q Foundation, aiming to investigate the effects of osteopathic treatment on the quality of life and resilience of older adults.

Improving the health and wellbeing of carers with hip or knee pain

CORE recently conducted research into the effectiveness of osteopathy in improving the health and wellbeing of carers with hip or knee pain in cooperation with City and Hackney Carers Centre. Core Clapton offered twenty Hackney carers six free osteopathic sessions to help manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

Osteopathy for ‘medically unexplained symptoms’

We are developing a pilot research project with Age UK East London, funded by BUPA, aiming to improve health and wellbeing in a socially isolated group of patients frequently presenting to the Accident and Emergency Department (A&E).

Improving the quality of life for Veterans and their carers

In Veterans 40-50 per cent who saw active service in Iraq and Afghanistan have developed chronic pain compared to 29 per cent of the general population. Veterans are also often discharged from military service with high dose opioids to relieve their pain. Recent research has shown that opioids lead to dependency and fatalities from accidental overdose.

How we fund our charity

By choosing to rent our space, take a class, have a massage or enjoy one of our wellness events our community directly funds our charity. Core Clapton provides low-cost osteopathy to underserved communities whilst researching drug-free treatments for chronic pain, helping us towards our vision of a pain-free life for all.


Help us create a world where everyone has the right to a pain-free life.

Support our team to deliver low-cost, high quality osteopathy and wellness classes to build a healthier and happier community.